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Embryo Fossils

Performed at Emergency Performance Symposium
(Platform, London, 2020)
performers: Byuka, Celeste Combes, Kalina Petrova.
sound: Nicole Bettencourt Coelho
make-up: Florent Venet


A durational ritual dance exploring intimacy between organisms and humans, within our shared evolutionary journey. Through this piece we are invoking and embodying the interspecies multiplicity we carry within our ancestral body.


Though this process, the dance touches upon histories of speciesism, and the relationship between hirarchy, human identity and nature-culture binaries.



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From dancing on whale songs as a celebration for their recovery from extinction, to worshipping psychedelic mushrooms, and to creating bodily responses to the sounds of slaughterhouse pigs, that the collective has recorded, the piece opens up the space for healing through facing our collective wounds and feeling the kinship behind them. 

We long to unearth the hybrid mythologies hidden in our bodies. 


A tale of becoming and un-becoming. Playing with the fight between dystopias and utopias. 


A collective dance to the dead souls we carry in our ancestral body. A prayer protest. 

a ritual to ask for forgiveness, to call back our siblings, to feel the kinship behind the wound. 

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Between these intertwined skins, we give birth to ourselves in unknown breaths and shapes. 


a worship of our interspecies family tree.

a horizontal trancendance. 


Who am I as an animal between animals?

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